中国科学院兰州化学物理研究所周峰研究员领导的课题组在其先前报道的工作基础上(Advanced Materials.2015,27(12),2054~2059),使用简单的预拉伸下构筑第二物理交联网络的方法制备的双交联水凝胶,在其预拉伸方向上的拉伸强度可以超过40 MPa,并且其弹性模量也大于40MPa,断裂拉伸应变超过200%,相关论文发表于Small,2016,DOI:10.1002/smll.201601893 。
图1. 超高强度的各向异性水凝胶的制备简图


图2. 拉伸强度的表征:预拉伸方法制备的双交联水凝胶与空白样品之间的拉伸强度(a)与弹性模量(b)的比较;AAc/AAm的摩尔比率对拉伸强度(c)以及弹性模量(d)的影响
图2给出了预拉伸下制备的超高强度水凝胶与其空白样品的强度比较,从图2a可以看出,在预拉伸方向上,水凝胶的拉伸强度得到了极大的提高,并且弹性模量也相应增大。从而说明这种分子取向结构的保留,对于在与取向结构相同的方向上拉伸强度有很大的促进作用。该水凝胶的机械性能强度可调,可以通过调整优化实验参数获得不同强度的水凝胶。例如AAc/AAm的摩尔比率就会对该水凝胶的强度有很大的影响,从图2c中可以看出,随着丙烯酸在体系中的量的增大,其强度均有提高,在其比率为30%时,在与预拉伸相同的方向上的拉伸强度达到了40 MPa。
图3. 凝胶的各向异性机械性能

P Lin, T Zhang, X Wang, B Yu, F Zhou*
The poor mechanical strength of hydrogels has largely limited their wide applications, and improving hydrogels' mechanical strength is a hot and important topic in the hydrogel research field. Although many successful strategies have been proposed to improve hydrogels' mechanical strength during the past decades, a hydrogel with a tensile stress surpassing dozens of mega Pascal is desirable, yet still a big challenge. To address this issue, the Fe3+-mediated physical crosslinking formed under stretch conditions was employed in a chemically crosslinked poly (acrylamide-co-acrylic acid) network to achieve a dual-crosslinked hydrogel. The expected molecular orientation occurs under stretch and allows the maximumu chelating interaction between pendant carboxylic anions and Fe3+ and molecules conformation being frozen, leading to the mechanical strength improving dramatically. As a result, an unprecedentedly high mechanical strength, but anisotropic dual-crosslinked hydrogel was obtained. By optimizing the experimental parameters, the nominal tensile stress along pre-stretching direction can reach as high as ≈40 MPa with elastic modulus of ≈40 MPa at large strain (>200%). In addition, the molecular orientation also leads to big difference of mechanical performance between parallel and perpendicular direction.