
据QUT健康与生物医学创新研究所(IHBI)的Dietmar W. Hutmacher教授称,这种新材料是一种明胶基水凝胶,可以用来模拟人体组织。
这种明胶基水凝胶的制造方法已经发表在了《Nature Protocols》杂志上。

据了解,该新型水凝胶的发现实际上是Hutmacher教授领导的生物制造研究项目的一部分。Hutmacher教授所在的健康与生物医学创新研究所(IHBI)还曾经推出了世界上第一个生物制造硕士学位(Master of Biofabrication),这是澳大利亚和欧洲的一个双硕士学位。(天工社 编译自昆士兰科技大学)
Functionalization, preparation and use of cell-laden gelatin methacryloyl–based hydrogels as modular tissue culture platforms
Nature Protocols
Online 17 March 2016
Progress in advancing a system-level understanding of the complexity of human tissue development and regeneration is hampered by a lack of biological model systems that recapitulate key aspects of these processes in a physiological context. Hence, growing demand by cell biologists for organ-specific extracellular mimics has led to the development of a plethora of 3D cell culture assays based on natural and synthetic matrices. We developed a physiological microenvironment of semisynthetic origin, called gelatin methacryloyl (GelMA)-based hydrogels, which combine the biocompatibility of natural matrices with the reproducibility, stability and modularity of synthetic biomaterials. We describe here a step-by-step protocol for the preparation of the GelMA polymer, which takes 1–2 weeks to complete, and which can be used to prepare hydrogel-based 3D cell culture models for cancer and stem cell research, as well as for tissue engineering applications. We also describe quality control and validation procedures, including how to assess the degree of GelMA functionalization and mechanical properties, to ensure reproducibility in experimental and animal studies.