《科学进展》杂志评审专家认为,该项研究是形状记忆聚合物领域的重要突破,为形状记忆材料的设计与加工提供了全新指导。(新华社 朱涵)
Shape memory polymer network with thermally distinct elasticity and plasticity
Science Advances
08 Jan 2016
DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.1501297
Stimuli-responsive materials with sophisticated yet controllable shape-changing behaviors are highly desirable for real-world device applications. Among various shape-changing materials, the elastic nature of shape memory polymers allows fixation of temporary shapes that can recover on demand, whereas polymers with exchangeable bonds can undergo permanent shape change via plasticity. We integrate the elasticity and plasticity into a single polymer network. Rational molecular design allows these two opposite behaviors to be realized at different temperature ranges without any overlap. By exploring the cumulative nature of the plasticity, we demonstrate easy manipulation of highly complex shapes that is otherwise extremely challenging. The dynamic shape-changing behavior paves a new way for fabricating geometrically complex multifunctional devices.

Design of network with thermally distinct elasticity and plasticity. (A) Schematics of the physical molecular principle. Black dots represent permanent crosslinking points; green and blue colors represent the activated and nonactivated states of the reversible bonds, respectively; and red and dark gray lines represent the activated and nonactivated states of the chain segments, respectively. (B) Precursor monomers for the network synthesis.

Shape manipulation via thermally distinct elasticity and plasticity. (A) Smart origami structures. (B) Smart kirigami structure. Scale bars, 10 mm.