
在光热条件下,该材料形状可发生多次重组,从而可应用于制备环境协调性以及外界刺激响应性器件。由Pittsburgh大学化工和石油工程学院特聘教授Anna C. Balazs及Clemson大学材料科学与工程学院副教授Olga Kuksenok开发的计算机模拟模型预测这些复合材料具有高度重组性和优异的机械性能,因此可用于仿生4D打印。该研究成果“集成热敏凝胶与光敏纤维的复合材料的刺激响应性”近期已发表于RSC.旗下《 Materials Horizons》。

摘要速递:Stimuli-responsive behavior of composites integrating thermo-responsive gels with photo-responsive fibersMater. Horiz.Olga Kuksenok & Anna C. BalazsDOI: 10.1039/C5MH00212Epublished online 09 Nov 2015Materials that could be reconfigured multiple times into different shapes with the use of different stimuli could dramatically impact manufacturing processes. As a step toward creating such useful, adaptive materials, we use computational modeling to design a composite that integrates a thermo-responsive polymer gel and photosensitive fibers. The gel displays a lower critical solution temperature (LCST), and thus, shrinks at elevated temperatures. The elastic fibers are functionalized with spirobenzopyran (SP) chromophores, which become hydrophobic under blue light. If these chromophores are uniformly distributed in this LCST gel (without the embedded fibers), then both light and heat produce the same effect on the sample, causing the gel to undergo a uniform collapse. When the SP-functionalization is confined to fibers that are embedded in the gel, the material displays distinctly different behavior in the presence of light and heat. In particular, samples anchored to a surface bend in one direction when illuminated and in the opposite direction when heated. When the sample is detached from the surface, then the composites shrink like an accordion when heated and bend like a caterpillar when illuminated. Common to both the tethered and untethered samples, one material displays a distinct response to the different stimuli. Hence, our findings indicate how a given sample can be fashioned into different shapes through the use of separate stimuli. Overall, our results point to a robust method for controllably reconfiguring the morphology of compliant composites and amplifying the effects of external environmental cues (light or temperature) on the behavior of these systems.